Premium Thermal Camera
FOTRIC P-series Industrial thermal imager offers up to 1280 x 1024 IR Resolutions, exceptional image quality, and precision for inspection work. With an optional Dual-view Lens, you won’t need to carry or change lenses, saving time and space. The P-series cameras boast top-class performance with <30mk Thermal Sensitivity.
They also include on-device analysis power and a laser area measurement function. Plus, these cameras are compatible with advanced software such as NaviTiR and IRexplorer, revolutionizing the way inspections utilize thermal cameras. Get the most out of your inspection work with the P-series.
TWB (thermal white balance) Feature
TWB essentially re-scales the palette ribbon based on the number of pixels in representing each temperature range. Consequently, the temperature distribution of the entire image is more clearly laid out for the inspector.
IREdge Imaging Algorithm
The IRedge function strengthens the visual impact of object contour and edges to help users distinguish them from the background.